Wheel Line Motor Section
Wheel Line Motor Section. Gannett, Idaho
Here's an image taken near Gannett, Idaho. It's the motor section of a wheel line used for agriculture. This piece has been sitting solo since mid-October. The primary crops near Gannett and Picabo are barley and alfalfa. Certainly a symbol of anachronistic methods. Water and it's use has always been a fascinating issue for me. I will be posting all types of images related to water on this site.
I used the tilt function on the Nikon 24 pc-e lens to limit the depth of field on the two sides while maximizing the DOF in the middle part of the foreground all the way to infinity. The 24 pc-e lens is probably my favorite lens despite the manual focus.
I used Nik's Silver Effex Pro 2 to convert the RAW image to black and white. A favorite tool of mine within Silver Effex is the color filter. In the image above I selected blue to edit the sky and slightly adjusted the hue and hue strength sliders to darken the blues, ie the sky.
Nikon D3s, Nikon 24 pc-e lens