Silver Creek, Idaho Landscape

I drove down to Silver Creek yesterday to take a look at a bunch of things including the water clarity and ice factor on Silver Creek near Picabo. The wind blew out of the east with high clouds. Temps were right around 32˚ and the dirt roads were still frozen enough so as not to become a muddy mess. The water clarity is good with some siltation. Ice is limited to the banks. The more off color it gets the better the streamer fishing seems to be. Too windy to notice any midges. Silver Creek downstream of HWY 20 stays open through February.

Aspen. May Ranch portion of the Silver Creek Preserve.

Crop Rows near Picabo, Idaho. February.

Ordinary Landscapes

So I now have a title for a really broad project I am working on. It's, Ordinary Landscapes. My goal, with whatever camera I have at the moment, is to take an image of a pretty ordinary landscape, and to have the viewer loose him or herself in it. Could be color, could be black and white. Doesn't matter.

Winter Trees. Hailey, Idaho

Winter Pines

Both of the images above were taken with the iPhone 5 and edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.