I will be hosting two separate trips to Honduras this upcoming spring. The first is to Faraway Cay in the Mosquito Coast region of southern Honduras. This is an adventurous trip in a very remote part of the Caribbean. I am looking for up to 5 total people to join me. At least one slot has been taken. It’s an insane permit fishery with many many bonefish as well. This is a once and a lifetime type trip coupled with the fishery having not been fly fished for over two years.
Faraway Cay: April 29 — May 7, 2022
Faraway Details:
The second trip is to Fly Fish Guanaja. This will take place the week of May 14-21, 2022 This is a fantastic trip to one of Honduras’ 3 bay islands. Permit and bonefish are the staples w bonefish around in that double digit range.
$3,750 per angler with shared skiff and double occupancy for the week. 6 full days of fishing.
Below are a few images taken from Fly Fish Guanaja:
View from directly above the lodge of Mangrove Bight on Guanaja.
Aerial View of the lodge. 5 private cabins with two beds and tons of space.
Guanaja Bones